Nutrition Services - Cafeteria
Breakfast and lunch provided FREE daily at Pacifica High School to all enrolled OUHSD students beginning on the first day of school.
All OUHSD menus follow strict requirements for calories, saturated fat, sugar, sodium and whole grains outlined in the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA). There is no discrimination and use a computerized system where all computer meal transactions are the same. Please take advantage of the variety of menu items offered through Nutrition Services including fresh salads, wraps, sandwiches and vegetarian options daily.
Services include:
- Breakfast and lunch provided FREE daily at all school sites to all enrolled OUHSD students beginning on the first day of school.
- Supper and snack are provided FREE daily at ACHS, RCHS, CIHS, HHS, OHS, PHS, and RMHS. All children 18 years old and younger are welcome to participate in the supper and snack program. Service times vary, please contact Nutrition Services at 805-385-5782 for more information.
We are always eager to answer questions, and hear any comments or suggestions you or your child may have concerning the school meal program. We look forward to serving your child in the cafeteria this year!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.