Health Office
Kristina Calamia
(805) 278-5008
Evelin Crispin
Health Technician
(805) 278-3131
Nurse Kristina Calamia 805-278-5008
Forms referenced below are available in the Health Office or can be downloaded at:
Emergency Cards:
Please update your child’s contact information through your PHS parent view account. See
annual school update steps. Emergency cards will no longer be a part of the summer mailer.
The most current information is imperative should an illness or injury occur during the school
Please keep your child home If they have any of the following:
• Fever over 99.5° F
• Cough
• Congestion/runny nose
• Headache
• Loss of taste of smell
• Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
• Fatigue/muscle or body aches
• Eye inflammation/eye drainage
• Rash unless diagnosed by a physician as non-contagious
Medication Administration:
California Education Code requires that any student taking medication during the school day
requires a doctor’s written order along with parental written permission. (E.C. 4923). Please do
not send your child to school with medication in their backpack to take on their own.
The Medication Form:
If your child requires medication during school hours, please take the Authorization for
Medications Taken During School Hours form to your child’s doctor for completion. The form
must be completed by a California physician, surgeon, or physician’s assistant. Orders from
doctors practicing outside California will not be accepted. Medication cannot be administered
by the nurse or school staff until this form is completed and delivered to the school site.
health office
Delivering Medication to The School Site:
Deliver medication to the health office in its original pharmacy container with the original pharmacy label adhered to the
container. Over the counter medications must be delivered in the original sealed bottle. All information on the pill bottle must
match the orders written by the doctor on the medication form. Prescribed medication must be in the student’s name.
Students Carrying Medication on Campus:
In the case of prescribed medications for asthma, anaphylactic shock, or diabetes, students may carry these medications on
their person or in their backpacks if the doctor has completed the medication form and has designated “child trained to self-
Diabetic Care/Specialized Health Care Procedures:
• Require physician orders to be filled out and signed by a physician and parent and returned to the Health Office with necessary
Visit Shots for School at for more information on immunization requirements.
Children Entering Kindergarten Through 12th Grade Must Have the Following Vaccinations:
• 4 Polio (three doses of Polio vaccine meet the requirement if one dose was given on or after the 4th birthday).
• 5 DTaP/Td/Tdap (four doses of DTaP meet the requirement if at least one dose was given on or after the 4th birthday. Three
doses meet the requirement if at least one dose of Tdap, DTaP or DTP was given on or after the 7th birthday {also meets the
7th-12 grade Tdap requirement}. One or two doses of the Td vaccine given on or after the 7th birthday count towards the K-12
• 3 Hep B
• 2 MMR (only doses administered on or after the 1st birthday meet the requirement).
• 2 Varicella
Children Entering 7th Through 12 Grades Must Have the Following:
• All of the above plus
• 1 Tdap booster shot given on or after the 7th birthday.
Conditional Admission:
• Your child may be admitted on a “conditional” basis if they have commenced receiving doses of all the vaccines required above
and are not currently due for any doses at the time of admission. Your child will still be required to receive the doses when they
are due.
• Or your child may be conditionally admitted if they have received a temporary medical exemption from their doctor for all or
some of the required immunizations. A letter from your child’s physician is required.
Medical Exemptions
Starting January 1, 2021:
• Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry – Medical Exemption website (CAIR-ME)
by physicians licensed in California.
• Schools and childcare facilities may only accept from parent’s new medical exemptions that are issued using CAIR-ME.
• For more information, visit
Illness or Accident:
A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, or hospitalization must have written permission
from a licensed physician to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity. A student returning to
school with casts, splints, crutches, or a wheelchair must have a licensed physician‘s written permission to return to school,
including any recommendation on physical activity.