Email Attendance Staff or Call the Office at 805-278-5000
and press "1" for Attendance.
Attendance Staff
Claire Hunter
Attendance Accountant Technician
(805) 834-1452
Marianela Valencia
Clerical Assistant III
(805) 278-3109
Rogelio Jimenez
Attendance Advisor
(805) 278-3116
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
- What do I do if my child is absent from school?
- What is considered an excused absence?
- How many excused absences can my child have in one year?
- What if my child's absences do not fall under any of the excused absence categories?
- Doesn't "truancy" mean skipping or ditching school? Why would my child be considered "truant" if I called in his or her absences?
- What should I do if my student will be coming in late to school?
- What should I do if my student will be leaving early for an appointment?
- What happens when my student has more than 3 unexcused absences?
- What can I do if my child has a chronic illness that prevents him or her from being at school regularly?
- What if my student needs to be out of class for an extended period of time?
- How do I obtain an off-campus pass?
- What if I need to pick up my student during the school day?